Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Family Heritage Church Presentation

Pardon our mess for awhile, as we are just beginning to build our new blog site.

Pastor Bill Peters, founder and President of In The Beginning Ministries will be presenting creation based classes every Wednesday through the month of August at Family Heritage Church.  The church is located in La Quinta, California. The class times are from 7 to 8 PM.

Tomorrow, August 4th begins with Genesis 101: a basic look at the creation, flood, Noah's ark etc.

Wednesday, August 11 is "Can You Defend What You Believe" which gives a general presentation on how to defend the message of creation using biblical and scientific evidences.

Wednesday, August 18 is "Can You Defend What You Believe 2.0" drills down a bit further in the four areas of six days, Noah's Ark, dinosaurs, and the beginning of life.

Wednesday, August 25 is "Creation, the Best Theory" which takes a look at the secular evidences that support biblical creation.  This is a good way for people to find evidences that they can use to talk to non-believers or believers who are unsure about creation.

Family Heritage Chirch is located at 78-998 Miles Avenue, La Quinta, CA. 92253