Friday, September 3, 2010

Christian Leadership Training Conference

In The Beginning Ministries will be teaching at the upcoming Christian Leadership Training Conference on Saturday, September 11, 2010.  The conference is held in Milpitas, California at the Living Word Christian Center.

We are very blessed by the Lord for the reception to our lunch time elective class last year and to what we have been asked to do this year.  This is from the course description for Specialty classes
Can You Defend What You Believe

Bill Peters room 510
This workshop shows you how we can defend our beliefs in God’s Word and His creation using biblical and scientific evidences. An overwhelming favorite Elective conference at CLT 2009, we asked Bill to present this as a core conference this year.

For the lunch time elective classes, we will be presenting another creation class
Basic Creation Bill Peters

Have you wanted to talk to someone about the Bible and Creation, but they didn’t want to hear "that Christian stuff?" Basic Creation shows you how to engage in conversation about creation, evolution and millions of years before you ever get to “In The Beginning.”

To see a video about the conference from last year, check this out

This is the third year and second in a row that In The Beginning Ministries have been privileged to help teach the Word of God and the Creation message through the foundation of the book of Genesis at the CLT in Milpitas.

If you live in the area, you should plan on attending.  See you there.