Dr. Jason Lisle followed Mike Riddle presenting a revolutionary way to defend the faith. It deals primarily with logic and can be used by anyone with a little practice. He stressed that when we as Christians are challenged to defend our beliefs without using the Bible, the authoritative Word of God, we have already lost the debate. We need to stand on the authority and foundation of our beliefs as we use that to defend Creation and the Bible. According to Dr. Lisle, it is logical to use an ultimate standard such as the the Bible to defend it. He also talked about presuppositional apologetics which is a big picture way of defending the Christian faith. According to Dr. Lisle, Eve was the first person put in the position of defending God's Word.
Dr. Jason Lisle and Pastor Bill Peters
The night sessions included Dr. John Whitcome who talked about Why Jesus, the Creator, Believed in the Historicity of Genesis. The conference concluded with Ken Ham, the founder and President of Answers in Genesis who shared why Genesis, Creation, and the authority of the Word of God are relevant and necessary for society. He also talked about the ongoing battle within Christianity between those who believe in the foundational truths of the Bible and Genesis and those who try to compromise God's infallible Word with the fallible ideas of man.