Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Answers in Genesis Pastors Conference Day 2

After a devotional by Steve Ham, the morning lecture series got underway with Dr. David Menton. It was about anthropology and why humans did not come from apes.  It was entertaining and informative.  Next up was Dr. Terry Mortenson who talked about millions of years and how this attitude found its way into the church.  Dr. Mortenson showed how the millions of years idea really began to take root in the late 1700's and by the mid-1800's many church leaders were compromising the Word of God with the fallible ideas of man and millions of years.  The last speaker of the morning was Dr. Jason Lisle who presented information about the Cosmos and how it supported Biblical Creation.  From there it was off to the Answers in Genesis' Creation Museum for an afternoon of touring the museum and an evening of star gazing.

The Creation Museum opened in May of 2007 and crossed the one million visitors threshold in April of this year.  To learn more about the museum
It is a first class way to learn about the days of creation and God's Word.  The displays are very professional and some of the local talent act as if they would like to have you for dinner.

In the evening, Pastor Jim Jackson of Re:vive church in Claremont, California and I spent the evening gazing at the moon, planets and stars through three telescopes or modern spyglasses as Galileo called them back in his day.  Pastor Jackson said this on his Facebook page; "Got to observe our moon, Jupiter and it's four moons and Neptune along with star clusters from three large telescopes tonight. as well as discuss light travel hypotheses relating to deep space stars and background microwave radiation theories with the astrophysicist. Phenomenal!!  That pretty much says it all.

Pastor Bill Peters and Friend