What does it say about Pastors when only 46% of Born-again Christians believe in absolute moral truth. Only 40% of Born-again Christians believe that they are responsible to share the Gospel. Pastors! What are we teaching from the pulpit? Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, what part of GO don't we get?
How can we as Church leaders prepare our members to GO? We need to be teaching them the foundations of Biblical Truth. We need to be teaching the truths of creation and Genesis Chapters 1 through 11. If Born-again Christians do not understand why there is original sin and how it came to be, how can we expect them to GO and make disciples. When Christians believe in the ideas of man, evolution, millions of years, old earth theory, how can Christians be expected to Go and share the Word of God with authority.
The wise man builds his house on a rock. That rock is the foundational truths of Scripture beginning in Genesis 1:1- In The beginning God created the heavens and the earth. It is time we remembered that as church leaders we are supposed to be teaching what God, Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit have taught us through the words of the Holy Bible. The ideas of man began with a suggestion by Satan in the Garden of Eden and has not changed since.