Dr. John Whitcomb who talked about Answers for the Genesis Flood and the Final Judgement. Dr. Whitcomb is one of the founders of the modern Creationist movement. Dr. Whitcomb’s most famous work, The Genesis Flood (co-authored in 1961 with the late Dr. Henry Morris), is widely acknowledged by friend and foe alike as having had a significant part in igniting the modern creationist movement around the world, writes Answers in Genesis. David Menton kicked off the afternoon sessions with Answers for Intelligent Design while Dr. Georgia Purdom Answers for Biblical Womanhood for the Pastor's wives who ware attending the conference. Next Dr. Tommy Mitchell shared Answers for Tragedy and Dr. Georgia Purdom continued the Pastor's wives track with Answers That Give Hope Through Tragedy. To close out the evening, Ken Ham presented Answers for the Church in Today`s Culture with Dr. John Whitcomb providing a strong presentation on the Genesis Flood and the Fossil Record followed by a special presentation by Don Landis The Theology of Creation.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Answers in Genesis Pastors Conference
The first Pastors Conference put on by Answers in Genesis is underway. It began this morning and runs through Thursday evening September 24, 2010. Located just a few miles away from the Creation Museum in Kentucky, the conference got off to an excellent beginning. As the day evolved, the information was almost overwhelming. Ken Ham keynoted the conference with Why We Need Answers, followed by
At the conference with In The Beginning Ministries founder Pastor Bill Peters is Re:vive Church Pastor Jim Jackson. Re:vive is located in Claremont, California. Here, Pastor Jackson is checking out the many Creation and apologetic resources available from Answers in Genesis.