We apologize for the lack of posts, but new articles are on the way and should begin appearing next week.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Answers in Genesis Pastors Conference Day 3
Last day, the conference has come to an end. But today was just as exciting and information filled as the first two days. This morning got underway with Mike Riddle who is a former Marine Captain and school teacher. He dealt with the issues of cloning, stem cell research and the sanctity of live. According to Riddle, the world has never heard the fact that there is a 97 to 99 percent failure rate in cloning. Another fact is that despite the call for increased funding for embryonic stem cell research, nothing has been cured or successfully treated with these types of stem cells. What has been successful according to Riddle is the use of adult stem cells which have been used to successfully treat more than 80 diseases. Understanding that life begins with conception, the call for increased embryonic stem cell research is a call for increased abortion. Since the embryonic stem cells are harvested during the first five days following conception the result is the death of the newly created life.
Dr. Jason Lisle followed Mike Riddle presenting a revolutionary way to defend the faith. It deals primarily with logic and can be used by anyone with a little practice. He stressed that when we as Christians are challenged to defend our beliefs without using the Bible, the authoritative Word of God, we have already lost the debate. We need to stand on the authority and foundation of our beliefs as we use that to defend Creation and the Bible. According to Dr. Lisle, it is logical to use an ultimate standard such as the the Bible to defend it. He also talked about presuppositional apologetics which is a big picture way of defending the Christian faith. According to Dr. Lisle, Eve was the first person put in the position of defending God's Word.
To close out the morning session was the very popular Answers in Genesis speaker Carl Kirby. Kirby worked for more than 24 years as an Air Traffic Controller before moving into ministry full time. His focus was on the media and how it has been involved in changing the way society thinks about God's Word and evolution and millions of years. Kirby points out that there are more than 400,000 churches in the United States and 6,000 first run theatres in the United States. His question is which has the biggest impact on the culture? It is obvious that the churches have failed to maintain their position in providing moral and ethical direction for society.
The night sessions included Dr. John Whitcome who talked about Why Jesus, the Creator, Believed in the Historicity of Genesis. The conference concluded with Ken Ham, the founder and President of Answers in Genesis who shared why Genesis, Creation, and the authority of the Word of God are relevant and necessary for society. He also talked about the ongoing battle within Christianity between those who believe in the foundational truths of the Bible and Genesis and those who try to compromise God's infallible Word with the fallible ideas of man.
Dr. Jason Lisle followed Mike Riddle presenting a revolutionary way to defend the faith. It deals primarily with logic and can be used by anyone with a little practice. He stressed that when we as Christians are challenged to defend our beliefs without using the Bible, the authoritative Word of God, we have already lost the debate. We need to stand on the authority and foundation of our beliefs as we use that to defend Creation and the Bible. According to Dr. Lisle, it is logical to use an ultimate standard such as the the Bible to defend it. He also talked about presuppositional apologetics which is a big picture way of defending the Christian faith. According to Dr. Lisle, Eve was the first person put in the position of defending God's Word.
Dr. Jason Lisle and Pastor Bill Peters
The night sessions included Dr. John Whitcome who talked about Why Jesus, the Creator, Believed in the Historicity of Genesis. The conference concluded with Ken Ham, the founder and President of Answers in Genesis who shared why Genesis, Creation, and the authority of the Word of God are relevant and necessary for society. He also talked about the ongoing battle within Christianity between those who believe in the foundational truths of the Bible and Genesis and those who try to compromise God's infallible Word with the fallible ideas of man.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Answers in Genesis Pastors Conference Day 2
After a devotional by Steve Ham, the morning lecture series got underway with Dr. David Menton. It was about anthropology and why humans did not come from apes. It was entertaining and informative. Next up was Dr. Terry Mortenson who talked about millions of years and how this attitude found its way into the church. Dr. Mortenson showed how the millions of years idea really began to take root in the late 1700's and by the mid-1800's many church leaders were compromising the Word of God with the fallible ideas of man and millions of years. The last speaker of the morning was Dr. Jason Lisle who presented information about the Cosmos and how it supported Biblical Creation. From there it was off to the Answers in Genesis' Creation Museum for an afternoon of touring the museum and an evening of star gazing.
The Creation Museum opened in May of 2007 and crossed the one million visitors threshold in April of this year. To learn more about the museum http://creationmuseum.org/
It is a first class way to learn about the days of creation and God's Word. The displays are very professional and some of the local talent act as if they would like to have you for dinner.
The Creation Museum opened in May of 2007 and crossed the one million visitors threshold in April of this year. To learn more about the museum http://creationmuseum.org/
It is a first class way to learn about the days of creation and God's Word. The displays are very professional and some of the local talent act as if they would like to have you for dinner.
In the evening, Pastor Jim Jackson of Re:vive church in Claremont, California and I spent the evening gazing at the moon, planets and stars through three telescopes or modern spyglasses as Galileo called them back in his day. Pastor Jackson said this on his Facebook page; "Got to observe our moon, Jupiter and it's four moons and Neptune along with star clusters from three large telescopes tonight. as well as discuss light travel hypotheses relating to deep space stars and background microwave radiation theories with the astrophysicist. Phenomenal!! That pretty much says it all.
Pastor Bill Peters and Friend
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Answers in Genesis Pastors Conference
The first Pastors Conference put on by Answers in Genesis is underway. It began this morning and runs through Thursday evening September 24, 2010. Located just a few miles away from the Creation Museum in Kentucky, the conference got off to an excellent beginning. As the day evolved, the information was almost overwhelming. Ken Ham keynoted the conference with Why We Need Answers, followed by
At the conference with In The Beginning Ministries founder Pastor Bill Peters is Re:vive Church Pastor Jim Jackson. Re:vive is located in Claremont, California. Here, Pastor Jackson is checking out the many Creation and apologetic resources available from Answers in Genesis.
Dr. John Whitcomb who talked about Answers for the Genesis Flood and the Final Judgement. Dr. Whitcomb is one of the founders of the modern Creationist movement. Dr. Whitcomb’s most famous work, The Genesis Flood (co-authored in 1961 with the late Dr. Henry Morris), is widely acknowledged by friend and foe alike as having had a significant part in igniting the modern creationist movement around the world, writes Answers in Genesis. David Menton kicked off the afternoon sessions with Answers for Intelligent Design while Dr. Georgia Purdom Answers for Biblical Womanhood for the Pastor's wives who ware attending the conference. Next Dr. Tommy Mitchell shared Answers for Tragedy and Dr. Georgia Purdom continued the Pastor's wives track with Answers That Give Hope Through Tragedy. To close out the evening, Ken Ham presented Answers for the Church in Today`s Culture with Dr. John Whitcomb providing a strong presentation on the Genesis Flood and the Fossil Record followed by a special presentation by Don Landis The Theology of Creation.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Church Leadership Training Conference a Big Success
The Church leadership Training conference held on Saturday 9-11-2010 was very successful. Over 500 Church leaders, Bible study teachers and those who just wanted to learn more about the Bible attended. This marks the third year in a row that attendance has increased. The conference got underway with the conference goers lifting their voices in worship.
The class went very well, as Pastor Peters presented information on how to defend the Word of God regarding six days, Noah's Ark and the flood, creation, the beginning of life, fossils and dinosaurs. Pastor Peters also dealt with the subject of young earth creationism vs old earth creationism and why young earth is more in tune with the statements of the Scriptures.
The day ended with a fun PowerPoint Jeopardy style game. The class was divided in four teams and the four categories and twenty-four total questions went very fast. All the teams had excellent answers, but alas, there could be only one winner. The categories and questions were taken from the day's class and was meant to reinforce what the attendees had heard and written down during the day.
We were blessed with excellent evaluations from those who attended the class. It was a blessing to be with these Christian leaders who wanted to learn more about how to defend Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures to the world with reasoned and thoughtful answers.
1 Peter 3:15-17
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; 16 having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. 17 For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. NKJV
For the second year in a row, Pastor Bill Peters, founder and President of "In The Beginning Ministries" was asked to present a Genesis based creation message. This year's class "Can You Defend What You Believe"was the result of last year's response to the class. Last year the class was presented in a 50 minute format for a lunch time elective class. The Lord blessed the day with a standing room only class of more than 60 people. A request was made to the conference organizers to bring the class back as a full day class. We were honored and privileged to be asked to teach this important information in a full day format.
We were blessed with excellent evaluations from those who attended the class. It was a blessing to be with these Christian leaders who wanted to learn more about how to defend Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures to the world with reasoned and thoughtful answers.
1 Peter 3:15-17
15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; 16 having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. 17 For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. NKJV
Friday, September 10, 2010
What Are We Teaching???
What does it say about Pastors when only 46% of Born-again Christians believe in absolute moral truth. Only 40% of Born-again Christians believe that they are responsible to share the Gospel. Pastors! What are we teaching from the pulpit? Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, what part of GO don't we get?
How can we as Church leaders prepare our members to GO? We need to be teaching them the foundations of Biblical Truth. We need to be teaching the truths of creation and Genesis Chapters 1 through 11. If Born-again Christians do not understand why there is original sin and how it came to be, how can we expect them to GO and make disciples. When Christians believe in the ideas of man, evolution, millions of years, old earth theory, how can Christians be expected to Go and share the Word of God with authority.
The wise man builds his house on a rock. That rock is the foundational truths of Scripture beginning in Genesis 1:1- In The beginning God created the heavens and the earth. It is time we remembered that as church leaders we are supposed to be teaching what God, Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit have taught us through the words of the Holy Bible. The ideas of man began with a suggestion by Satan in the Garden of Eden and has not changed since.
How can we as Church leaders prepare our members to GO? We need to be teaching them the foundations of Biblical Truth. We need to be teaching the truths of creation and Genesis Chapters 1 through 11. If Born-again Christians do not understand why there is original sin and how it came to be, how can we expect them to GO and make disciples. When Christians believe in the ideas of man, evolution, millions of years, old earth theory, how can Christians be expected to Go and share the Word of God with authority.
The wise man builds his house on a rock. That rock is the foundational truths of Scripture beginning in Genesis 1:1- In The beginning God created the heavens and the earth. It is time we remembered that as church leaders we are supposed to be teaching what God, Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit have taught us through the words of the Holy Bible. The ideas of man began with a suggestion by Satan in the Garden of Eden and has not changed since.
Ready to GO!
Everything is ready to go for tomorrow at the Christian Leadership Training Conf. in Milpitas. Candy and I got everything checked out and with the Lord's blessing, tomorrow will be a great day. There are 26 pre-registered for the class. What a blessing. I could not do this without Candy and the Holy Spirit. I am so blessed
CLT...It's Time
Candy and I are heading out to the Christian Leadership Training conference in Milpitas. We will be attending a staff dinner this evening then classes begin tomorrow morning. I am really excited about what the Lord has given me to talk about. Hoping for a great turnout at the conference and the class.
Please pray for those affected by the explosion in San Bruno last evening. I know from experience that conference attendees come from that community.
Please pray for those affected by the explosion in San Bruno last evening. I know from experience that conference attendees come from that community.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Christian Leadershhip Training Conference
Just putting the final touches to the Can You Defend What You Believe presentation for the Christian Leadership Training Conference in Milpitas this coming Saturday, September 11. We are also going to break the class up into six teams at the end of the day to play a Jeopardy type PPT game to see if they remember what they have been hearing all day.
I will be teaching on the topics of Six Days, Evolution/Millions of Years, Origin of the Universe, Origin of Life, the Fossil Record and the Origin of Dinosaurs, Noah's Ark and the flood, and Old Earth Creationism. I am real excited about the class and can't wait for Saturday.
I would also like to express my thanks for all the work done by and education provided by Answers in Genesis which allows me to share the true and accurate foundational message of God's Word
I will be teaching on the topics of Six Days, Evolution/Millions of Years, Origin of the Universe, Origin of Life, the Fossil Record and the Origin of Dinosaurs, Noah's Ark and the flood, and Old Earth Creationism. I am real excited about the class and can't wait for Saturday.
I would also like to express my thanks for all the work done by and education provided by Answers in Genesis which allows me to share the true and accurate foundational message of God's Word
Friday, September 3, 2010
Christian Leadership Training Conference
In The Beginning Ministries will be teaching at the upcoming Christian Leadership Training Conference on Saturday, September 11, 2010. The conference is held in Milpitas, California at the Living Word Christian Center. http://myclt.org/
We are very blessed by the Lord for the reception to our lunch time elective class last year and to what we have been asked to do this year. This is from the course description for Specialty classes
Can You Defend What You Believe
Bill Peters room 510
This workshop shows you how we can defend our beliefs in God’s Word and His creation using biblical and scientific evidences. An overwhelming favorite Elective conference at CLT 2009, we asked Bill to present this as a core conference this year.
For the lunch time elective classes, we will be presenting another creation class
Basic Creation Bill Peters
Have you wanted to talk to someone about the Bible and Creation, but they didn’t want to hear "that Christian stuff?" Basic Creation shows you how to engage in conversation about creation, evolution and millions of years before you ever get to “In The Beginning.”
To see a video about the conference from last year, check this out
This is the third year and second in a row that In The Beginning Ministries have been privileged to help teach the Word of God and the Creation message through the foundation of the book of Genesis at the CLT in Milpitas.
If you live in the area, you should plan on attending. See you there.
We are very blessed by the Lord for the reception to our lunch time elective class last year and to what we have been asked to do this year. This is from the course description for Specialty classes
Can You Defend What You Believe
Bill Peters room 510
This workshop shows you how we can defend our beliefs in God’s Word and His creation using biblical and scientific evidences. An overwhelming favorite Elective conference at CLT 2009, we asked Bill to present this as a core conference this year.
For the lunch time elective classes, we will be presenting another creation class
Basic Creation Bill Peters
Have you wanted to talk to someone about the Bible and Creation, but they didn’t want to hear "that Christian stuff?" Basic Creation shows you how to engage in conversation about creation, evolution and millions of years before you ever get to “In The Beginning.”
To see a video about the conference from last year, check this out
This is the third year and second in a row that In The Beginning Ministries have been privileged to help teach the Word of God and the Creation message through the foundation of the book of Genesis at the CLT in Milpitas.
If you live in the area, you should plan on attending. See you there.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
August Creation Series Comes to an End
The August Creation/Genesis series of Can You Defend What You Believe came to an end last light Wednesday, August 25, 2010. The series of four Wednesday evening presentations to the teens at Family Heritage Church concluded with "Creation, the Best Theory". In this presentation Pastor Bill Peters, the founder of In The Beginning Ministries provides ways to begin a creation conversation using secular evidences. Many times when talking with unbelievers, if we immediately begin by telling them that Genesis says this, they will stop talking or change the subject. But by introducing secular evidences that support the Biblical concept of creation, you can keep the conversation going.
By using secular evidences, such as the scientific law of Biogenesis (that states that life only comes from life and of its kind), or the second law of Thermo Dynamics "entropy" (that states that all things tend to disorder), we can challenge the evolutionary and millions of years beliefs of the non-believer and even those beliefs of Christians who hold to Old Earth and evolutionary ideas.
"The time I spent with these young people at Family Heritage Church was very exciting. They were engaged, and had a lot of questions. More importantly, they had a lot of answers. It was a great month that went by to fast".
By using secular evidences, such as the scientific law of Biogenesis (that states that life only comes from life and of its kind), or the second law of Thermo Dynamics "entropy" (that states that all things tend to disorder), we can challenge the evolutionary and millions of years beliefs of the non-believer and even those beliefs of Christians who hold to Old Earth and evolutionary ideas.
"The time I spent with these young people at Family Heritage Church was very exciting. They were engaged, and had a lot of questions. More importantly, they had a lot of answers. It was a great month that went by to fast".
Monday, August 23, 2010
Interesting word. Tolerate, tolerance, basically means to allow the beliefs of another without interfering, to recognize and respect others beliefs without sharing them. This is where it gets interesting if you are a Christian. The effort to build a mosque near ground zero in New York is being met with a great deal of negativity. It is the wrong building,at the wrong time, in the wrong place. However, the Main Stream Media tells us that we must be tolerant.
I would like to ask, where is the media's great concern for tolerance when the attacks are against Christians and Christianity. Where was the main stream media when the Creation Museum was being planned and attacked, being built and attacked, opened and attacked, and to this day, there are almost constant attacks by the media. Check out this blog by Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis.
The battle is never ending and we as Christians need to stand fast and defend what we believe. We need to remember as the Apostles did, who it is we serve;
Acts 4:18 - 20 And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. "For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."(NKJV) Italics mine
This is why it is so important to read and understand the Word of God. So that we can also speak the things which we have read and understand. This starts with a belief and understanding of Genesis and the Creation message. Why do we need Jesus? Because of what happened in Genesis chapters 1 through 11.
The world demands that we tolerate the very things that oppose Christ and the Word of God. And like the Apostles, we must not bend to their demands. We need to stand on the Word of God using the power of God to share His message with the world. Matthew chapter 28: 18 through 20 Then Jesus came and spoke to them saying, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the earth" Amen (NKJV)
The message is that we are to be about God's business. Don't let the world threaten you or scare you or belittle you into compromising the Word of God with the word of man. There is only one infallible word and that is the Word of God!
I would like to ask, where is the media's great concern for tolerance when the attacks are against Christians and Christianity. Where was the main stream media when the Creation Museum was being planned and attacked, being built and attacked, opened and attacked, and to this day, there are almost constant attacks by the media. Check out this blog by Ken Ham, President of Answers in Genesis.
The battle is never ending and we as Christians need to stand fast and defend what we believe. We need to remember as the Apostles did, who it is we serve;
Acts 4:18 - 20 And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. "For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."(NKJV) Italics mine
This is why it is so important to read and understand the Word of God. So that we can also speak the things which we have read and understand. This starts with a belief and understanding of Genesis and the Creation message. Why do we need Jesus? Because of what happened in Genesis chapters 1 through 11.
The world demands that we tolerate the very things that oppose Christ and the Word of God. And like the Apostles, we must not bend to their demands. We need to stand on the Word of God using the power of God to share His message with the world. Matthew chapter 28: 18 through 20 Then Jesus came and spoke to them saying, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the earth" Amen (NKJV)
The message is that we are to be about God's business. Don't let the world threaten you or scare you or belittle you into compromising the Word of God with the word of man. There is only one infallible word and that is the Word of God!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Science Confirms Age of 'Eve'
Modern science has announced that they have confirmed the age of 'Eve', mother of all humans. The sub heading for the article says "Mitochondrial DNA places her existence at about 200,000 years ago". To read the article go to http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38786481/from/RSS/38777291
Reporter Wayne Parry writes that Mitochondrial DNA is only passed down through the maternal line allowing science to trace it back to one woman. While modern man and science refuse to believe the Genesis account of Creation, isn't it interesting that they have no problem hijacking the name of the "mother of all humans" found in the Bible.
Genesis 3:20 "And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living". (NKJV) Adam gives his wife a formal name, that of "Life" in the Hebrew according to Ancient Roots Translinear Bible which is translated as Eve. When you look at man's rejection of the Bible in general and the Creation event specifically, it is interesting that they still use the Bible as part of their efforts to prove their theories.
Reporter Wayne Parry writes that Mitochondrial DNA is only passed down through the maternal line allowing science to trace it back to one woman. While modern man and science refuse to believe the Genesis account of Creation, isn't it interesting that they have no problem hijacking the name of the "mother of all humans" found in the Bible.
Genesis 3:20 "And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living". (NKJV) Adam gives his wife a formal name, that of "Life" in the Hebrew according to Ancient Roots Translinear Bible which is translated as Eve. When you look at man's rejection of the Bible in general and the Creation event specifically, it is interesting that they still use the Bible as part of their efforts to prove their theories.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Family Heritage Church Teen Night Three
Wednesday number three for In The Beginning Ministries to share how teens there can defend what they believe. Tonight we will look at "Can You Defend What You Believe 2.0" teen version. This presentation is designed to provide additional evidences to better defend the Creation event, the Bible, and the book of Genesis.
Tonight we will look at Six Days and why it is important to the Creation event that these days are basically six 24 hour days. Many people including Christians believe that God could not have possibly created everything in just six normal days. But their rational comes from injecting man's ideas into the Bible. Noah's ark, was it real, did it really carry all those animals? there are evidences from the Bible and the world that would corroborate the Biblical event.
Finally, life, where did it come from? How did it advance? Or did it! What makes up life and where does the software come from? This is what we will be talking about tonight at Family Heritage Church from 7 to 8 PM.
Tonight we will look at Six Days and why it is important to the Creation event that these days are basically six 24 hour days. Many people including Christians believe that God could not have possibly created everything in just six normal days. But their rational comes from injecting man's ideas into the Bible. Noah's ark, was it real, did it really carry all those animals? there are evidences from the Bible and the world that would corroborate the Biblical event.
What about dinosaurs? How old are they really? I'll give you a hint, they are younger than the age of the United States. Where do dragons fit into this? Tonight we will present information and evidences that indicate that dinosaurs are not as ancient as man would have us believe.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Creation fun at Family Heritage Church
Wednesday night August 11, 2010 was the second of four Wednesday night presentations on Creation, the Bible in general and the book of Genesis in particular. Pastor Bill Peters presented the class called Can You Defend What You Believe to the youth group there. The creator of this presentation was Answers in Genesis speaker Mike Riddle. Pastor Peters has continued to adapt the presentation for the audiences that he speaks to.
It was a great time, the teens at Family Heritage Church love Jesus and are hungry for information. they asked a lot of questions and had answers for every question that Pastor Bill asked. "It is so much fun to share with and interact with teens that are truly interested in Jesus and the creation message" said Pastor Bill. The "buzz kill" lol is that this is the last month of special apologetic type presentations because school is beginning next month for most of the teens. So as each Wednesday passes, it gets closer to the start of regular school.
Where we are
Like everyone else, we are nearly everywhere in the social media realm.
Facebook...IN The Beginning Ministries
And of course here at inthebeginningministries.blogspot.com
Please check out our sites and sign up to follow the ministry.
God Bless
Facebook...IN The Beginning Ministries
And of course here at inthebeginningministries.blogspot.com
Please check out our sites and sign up to follow the ministry.
God Bless
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Week two of August Creation Classes
This evening will be the second of four August Wednesday's at Family Heritage Church in la Quinta. I have the privilege of speaking to the Church's youth group about Genesis and creation. Tonight, we will be talking about defending what you believe.
It is interesting that we tend to go to great effort to defend our close friends when they are lied about or verbally attacked. But it seems that we are reluctant to defend the closest friend we have in salvation, Jesus Christ who died for our sins.
Tonight we will be discussing the beginning of creation, life, and dinosaurs or dragons as they were called before the word dinosaur was invented back in 1841. I'll bet you didn't know that dinosaurs were less than 200 hundred years old. :) We present the concepts of creation based on the foundation of God's word, particularly the book of Genesis.
It is interesting that we tend to go to great effort to defend our close friends when they are lied about or verbally attacked. But it seems that we are reluctant to defend the closest friend we have in salvation, Jesus Christ who died for our sins.
Tonight we will be discussing the beginning of creation, life, and dinosaurs or dragons as they were called before the word dinosaur was invented back in 1841. I'll bet you didn't know that dinosaurs were less than 200 hundred years old. :) We present the concepts of creation based on the foundation of God's word, particularly the book of Genesis.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
First Night Genesis 101
The first night of the August Creation series at the Family Heritage Church in La Quinta, California was great. Nearly 30 teenagers and several adults were on hand as we began the first of a four poart series on Creation and the importance of the book of Genesis as the foundation for our belief.
This is a very active youth group and I am honored to be presenting this important information to them
This is a very active youth group and I am honored to be presenting this important information to them
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Family Heritage Church Presentation
Pardon our mess for awhile, as we are just beginning to build our new blog site.
Pastor Bill Peters, founder and President of In The Beginning Ministries will be presenting creation based classes every Wednesday through the month of August at Family Heritage Church. The church is located in La Quinta, California. The class times are from 7 to 8 PM.
Tomorrow, August 4th begins with Genesis 101: a basic look at the creation, flood, Noah's ark etc.
Wednesday, August 11 is "Can You Defend What You Believe" which gives a general presentation on how to defend the message of creation using biblical and scientific evidences.
Wednesday, August 18 is "Can You Defend What You Believe 2.0" drills down a bit further in the four areas of six days, Noah's Ark, dinosaurs, and the beginning of life.
Wednesday, August 25 is "Creation, the Best Theory" which takes a look at the secular evidences that support biblical creation. This is a good way for people to find evidences that they can use to talk to non-believers or believers who are unsure about creation.
Family Heritage Chirch is located at 78-998 Miles Avenue, La Quinta, CA. 92253
Pastor Bill Peters, founder and President of In The Beginning Ministries will be presenting creation based classes every Wednesday through the month of August at Family Heritage Church. The church is located in La Quinta, California. The class times are from 7 to 8 PM.
Tomorrow, August 4th begins with Genesis 101: a basic look at the creation, flood, Noah's ark etc.
Wednesday, August 11 is "Can You Defend What You Believe" which gives a general presentation on how to defend the message of creation using biblical and scientific evidences.
Wednesday, August 18 is "Can You Defend What You Believe 2.0" drills down a bit further in the four areas of six days, Noah's Ark, dinosaurs, and the beginning of life.
Wednesday, August 25 is "Creation, the Best Theory" which takes a look at the secular evidences that support biblical creation. This is a good way for people to find evidences that they can use to talk to non-believers or believers who are unsure about creation.
Family Heritage Chirch is located at 78-998 Miles Avenue, La Quinta, CA. 92253
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